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Tooth decay

Tooth decay dr.khirieh

Our awarded Dentist and Prosthodontist, Dr Kheirieh discusses Tooth Decay (Dental Caries) and treatment options in this blog. Whether you are looking to protect your oral health or seeking expert advice, this commentary offers valuable insights to help you maintain your health smile or regain it. In this blog, Dr K would delve into the causes, symptoms, prevention strategies, and treatment options for Dental Caries. Schedule a personalized consultation with Dr K at Origins Dentistry, San Antonio TX to assure preserving your radiant smile.

What is tooth decay from the words of Dr. Kheirieh

“Tooth decay is like when your teeth get angry. Also known as Dental Caries Or Cavities, tooth decay is a common dental problem that affects people of all ages. If plaque builds up on your teeth and you don’t pay attention, your teeth might hurt.
When the hard, outer layer of a tooth (enamel) is damaged by the acid produced by plaque bacteria, you get cavities.”

Why Does Tooth Decay Happen?

“Now, let me tell you why tooth decay happens. It’s caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in the mouth, a diet high in sugar and other carbohydrates, and poor oral hygiene. When we eat sugary or starchy foods, the bacteria in our mouth feed on the carbohydrates and produce acid as a byproduct. The acid then eats away the enamel of our teeth, creating cavities.”

How can I tell if I have cavities? Why is my tooth black?

“The symptoms of dental caries can vary depending on the severity and location of the cavity. In the early stages, tooth decay may not cause any symptoms at all. As the cavity progresses, however, you may experience:

– Tooth sensitivity
– Toothache
– Visible holes or pits in your teeth
– Discoloration or dark spots on your teeth
– No Symptoms

The great news is that Dental Implants do not get cavities. However, routine home care is still necessary for implants to prevent other possible issues.”

Can I have tooth decay with no pain?

“Yes! It is not uncommon to have cavities without any symptoms. That underlines the importance of routine check ups in order to detect cavities at early stages. As always, prevention is the key! Either preventing the dental cavities or at least preventing it from getting worse by treating it at early stages.”

Can We Prevent Tooth Decay?

“Yes! We can prevent tooth decay! For example, brush your teeth twice a day. This helps remove the plaque from your teeth, and your teeth stay clean. Also, eat less sugar. Sugars don’t like teeth! But this is not enough! Preventing dental caries requires a combination of good oral hygiene and healthy lifestyle choices.”

Here are some tips for preventing dental caries:

– Brush your teeth gently, at least twice a day for at least 2 minutes with fluoride toothpastes.
– Floss daily to remove food particles and bacteria from between your teeth.
– Limit your intake of sugary and starchy foods.
– Drink plenty of water to help wash away bacteria and food particles. Chewing sugar free gums may be helpful too.
– Visit our top rated dentist, Dr K regularly (at least every 6 months) for cleanings and routine checkups.
Dr. K strongly recommends scheduling regular dental checkups to catch early signs of tooth decay and receive professional cleanings.

How to Take Care of Your Teeth?

“Very good! Now that we know how to prevent tooth decay, how do we take care of our teeth? It’s quite simple. Visit a dentist and get your teeth checked at least every six months. We can help you keep your teeth & gums healthy.”

How to Treat Tooth Decay

“If your teeth are decayed, don’t worry! We can help you. If left untreated, dental caries can cause significant damage to your teeth, gums, jawbone & face and will eventually result in tooth loss. Don’t underestimate the risks of tooth abscess. It’s a common reason of visiting ER & even hospitalization at times.”

How do you fix tooth decay? Filling or crown? Any home remedies for cavities? How can I save my tooth? What is root canal? What is crown lengthening?

“These are all good questions that may come to your mind.

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for dental caries, including:

– Fillings: If the cavity is caught early enough, a filling can be used to restore the damaged tooth structure. During this procedure, the dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and fill the cavity with a material, such as composite resin (tooth colored dental material) or amalgam.
– Crowns: If the cavity is too large for a filling, a dental crown may be necessary. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over the damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength.

Root Canal: If the decay has reached the pulp (nerve) of the tooth, a root canal (endodontic treatment) may be necessary. During this procedure, the dentist will remove the infected or inflamed pulp, clean the inside of the tooth, and fill the space with a filling material. Then dental fillings or crowns are needed to restore the root canal treated tooth.

Crown Lengthening is usually a minor surgery which may be needed at times when the tooth decay is too deep below the gum, or the tooth is too short. During this surgery, the gums & bone around the tooth will be reshaped to expose the sound tooth structure all around the tooth in order to ensure a durable and proper crown or filling.
– Extraction: In severe cases when the tooth is beyond repair, extraction may be necessary. The dentist will remove the damaged tooth and replace it with a dental implant, bridge or removable options.”

Do I need to have my tooth pulled?

“Losing teeth can be a small tragedy. We need teeth for eating, talking, and smiling. Life can be difficult without teeth! Needless to say, tooth extraction is not a desirable outcome and should be tried to be prevented with proper home care, routine check ups, and preventive dental treatments.

However, it may be needed at times if the tooth destruction is beyond repair, tooth foundation (gum and bone) is severely damaged, or the infected tooth as a source of infection posing a risk for the other teeth or organs of body. In certain cases, tooth extraction would be necessary to prevent the further damage or risks. Anyway, replacing the missing tooth/teeth regardless of the position of that in the mouth, is necessary to restore the function & integrity of the mouth.”

Dr. Parisa Kheirieh: Top Dentist in San Antonio
The best way to treat tooth decay is to visit a professional dentist. In San Antonio, Dr. Parisa Kheirieh is an awarded Prosthodontist & Dentist. With extensive experience and knowledge in this field, she would be able to help you have healthy teeth.
How to Visit Dr. Kheirieh?

Very easy! To visit Dr Kheirieh you can contact her private office at (210) 460 0749 or book an appointment online.


All in all, tooth decay is a very common dental problem that can cause significant damage if left untreated. If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, toothache, or visible pits or holes in your teeth, make an appointment with Dr Parisa Kheirieh at Origins Specialty Dentistry, San Antonio to determine if you have a cavity.

Even if not, do not forget your routine dental visits with our expert dentists, Dr Kheirieh, Dr Najafi, and Dr Azi at Origins Dentistry in order to prevent dental caries or other problems; top dentists near you.
With proper treatment and prevention, you can maintain a healthy, cavity-free smile.

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