Gum surgery is one of the treatment methods for addressing gum-related diseases. Generally, if gums have issues that cannot be resolved through medication or other therapeutic methods, surgery is often the best approach for treating them. This is because surgical techniques can address a wide range of diseases, whereas medications or other methods may only be suitable for some gum-related conditions. At Origins Specialty Dentistry clinic, managed by Dr. Najafi, various types of gum surgeries are performed using the latest surgical techniques related to gums. We will provide further explanation on this topic in the following.
What is gum surgery?
What is gum surgery?
In the field of dentistry, there are several methods for treating diseases related to the mouth and gums, with surgery being one of these methods. In fact, surgery is considered a treatment modality in dentistry through which many oral and gum-related diseases are treated. For example, in some cases, gum problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis are improved only through surgery, as other methods may be ineffective for treating them.
When do we need gum surgery?
When gum diseases become severe and cannot be treated by other methods, a dentist may opt for gum surgery. This surgery is performed for various reasons, with one of the main ones being when the gums become infected and develop chronic diseases or when plaque and bacteria accumulate around the gums and teeth. Additionally, gums may also have cysts or tumors, which require surgery under the aforementioned conditions. Generally, if gums are untreatable, they will require gum surgery or grafting.
On the other hand, gum surgery is also used for cosmetic purposes. Individuals who are unhappy with the shape of their gums choose surgery to correct their shape, as it is the only available method for gum reshaping. Your gum shape may reduce the beauty of your smile when you smile. In such cases, for enhanced beauty, you may need to undergo gum surgery.
What are the types of gum surgery?
Gingival Flap Surgery:
When recession occurs between the teeth and gums, it leads to the formation of pockets around the teeth, followed by infection, inflammation, and swelling on the gum surface. Bacteria and tartar may also penetrate these swellings. Gingival flap surgery is performed to reduce the size of the pockets around the gums and treat the swelling. Generally, the surgical procedure involves lifting the gum tissue from the teeth and removing tartar buildup. After removing the tartar and cleaning these areas, the surgeon repositions the gums to their original place around the teeth.
Bone Graft Surgery:
The roots of the teeth are located inside the jawbone, which surrounds the roots of the teeth. Sometimes, the bone around the roots of the teeth may be damaged, requiring bone grafting. In this type of gum surgery, new, healthy, and strong bone tissue is placed in the damaged area. The replaced tissue can be either from the patient themselves or from another person.
Gum Tissue Regeneration Surgery:
Both bone and gum tissues should be in their proper positions, but sometimes gum tissue may invade the bone area and grow there, hindering the growth and placement of bone tissue. To prevent this, a surgeon places a small piece between the bone and the gum. By placing this small piece, the gum no longer grows in the space where bone should exist. After surgery, bone and connective tissues regrow and reposition in their original location.
Crown Lengthening Surgery:
As previously mentioned, gum tissue may be such that it detracts from the beauty of your smile. In such cases, the gum tissue grows excessively, covering part of the upper portion of the teeth. Therefore, the surgeon shortens the part of the gum that had grown excessively, making the crowns of the teeth longer and giving you a more beautiful smile.
Gum surgery at Origins Specialty Dentistry Clinic
For various types of gum surgeries, you can visit Origins Specialty Dentistry clinic. Dr. Najafi and Dr. K are the dentists who founded this clinic, and all the staff employed there are highly professional. Each of the personnel working at this clinic holds valid credentials, which certify their specialized expertise. Moreover, the clinic is equipped with advanced and up-to-date equipment for successful surgeries. Therefore, you can experience a safe and successful surgery with the professional staff and advanced equipment at this clinic.